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High-Performance & Scalable

Cloud Servers Enterprise-Grade

Experience lightning-fast performance with our enterprise-grade cloud infrastructure. Scale your applications effortlessly with our powerful cloud servers.

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Cloud App One-Click Deploy


Beszel is a lightweight server monitoring platform that includes Docker statistics, historical data, and alert functions. It has a friendly web interface, simple configuration, and is ready to use out of the box. It supports automatic backup, multi-user, OAuth authentication, and API access.

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Monitor server performance, Docker statistics, and historical data seamlessly.
  • Ready-to-Use: Simple setup with minimal configuration required, making it operational out of the box.
  • Secure and Flexible: Benefit from multi-user management, OAuth authentication, and automatic backups.


  • Docker Statistics: Gain insights into your Docker containers’ performance and resource usage.
  • Historical Data: View and analyze past server performance trends for better decision-making.
  • Alert Functions: Receive real-time alerts for critical server events and thresholds.
  • API and OAuth Support: Access Beszel’s functionalities programmatically via API and secure user authentication through OAuth.


Beszel Screenshot